Rhythmic Adventures II: The Harmonic Sea is the second composition in a series of six piano pieces with the same name. In this piece, the music explores the ideas of impressionism and minimalism, creating a challenge for the performers to keep a steady beat, play the rhythms correctly, express the dynamics, and coordinate their playing together. The goal is to make the music sound like turbulent and deep water. In addition to the original piano version, this arrangement for keyboard percussion ensemble has been created, presenting a unique set of challenges for the percussionists, encouraging them to develop a strong sense of ensemble playing. The piece starts with a simple repeating tune that gradually gets more complicated and intense until it settles into a main melody. Then the focus shifts to making the rhythm clear and easy to follow as the musical journey through The Harmonic Sea begins. The music goes through different changes and variations, but eventually comes back to the original tune, winding down until all the players are playing simple quarter notes. The music fades away until it disappears completely.